Salam semangat pembaca di mana pun anda berada dan apapun keadaan anda sekarang. Pada bagian ahir dari pembahasan artikel jurnal seri 1 ini, saya akan memaparkan contoh tentang kesimpulan dan saran atau yang lebih mendunia dengan sebutan conclusions and suggestions. Agar pembaca semua biasa menutup artikel jurnal anda dengan mengesankan, maka usahakan kesimpulan dan saran anda jelas, logis, dan mengena. Jelas artinya dalam redaksi penyampainya sebaiknya anda menggunakan diksi yang tepat dan tidak terlalu bertele-tele. Logis maksudnya kesimpulan anda memiliki dasar argument dan data yang jelas sehingga mudah ditelaah oleh pembaca. Dan yang terakhir adalah mengena, mengena dalam hal ini adalah mengenai sasaran dari saran yang anda berikan. Maksudnya, saran yang anda tuliskan haruslah saran yang mudah dimengerti dan jelas target saran yang dituju. Untuk lebih jelasnya, mari berenang-renang di kolam ilustrasi ilmu di bawah ini.
Artikel Bahasa Inggris tentang ERRORS ANALYSIS (conclusions and suggestions)
In reference to the result and discussion, it was concluded that:
- The use of simple present tense in students’ descriptive text writing of class X1.A.1 of MAN 1 (Model) Bandar Lampung can be seen from the result that the students used more correct simple present tense (73.81%) than made errors (26.19%) in their descriptive text writing. It means that the students have understood how to use simple present tense in writing descriptive text.
- Even though the students have used more correct simple present tense, but the researcher still analyzed the errors made by the students based on surface strategy taxonomy in order to know the difficulties faced by the students, and it had been found that the most common error committed by the students in their descriptive text writing was omission (50.90%), from 110 items in the form of simple present tense, the students committed 56 items omission error. The students often omitted -s or –es in the verb which the subject of the sentence was in the form of the third person singular and also the students omitted to be when there was no verb in the sentence.
Referring to the conclusions, the researcher comes to the following suggestions:
- The teachers should give much practice about the use of ending -s or –es in simple present tense and explain about how to construct sentences grammatically and appropriately to the students in order to minimize the errors especially in omission errors as the common error in this research, therefore the students can apply their knowledge of simple present tense directly in the real context of writing.
- For other researchers, by seeing the type of errors in using simple present tense in descriptive text writing, they can provide some techniques that can be applied by students to increase the use of simple present tense appropriately in other cases of writing.
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Originally posted 2024-05-09 18:18:00.